Top five posts this week 31 July 2020

Take five minutes to relax and read through the top five social media posts this week

We tweet every hour of every day seven days a week on subjects including leadership, management, creativity, innovation, stress, team building, personal development… well I’m sure you get the idea. We personally select each piece of content that goes into our social media activity. We want it to be of value to you.

If you’d like to speak about something here, then let’s find a time!

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Why Employees Should Feel as Agile as Leaders Do #agile #leadership

10 Ways to Rebuild HR to Support Fast Growth and Happy Employees #hr #performance

It’s Not About You – Why Leaders Need To Look Outward #leadership #peoplemanagement

Three Ways To Sharpen Your Empathy And Lead People Through Existential Crises #leadership #sme

Why Is Your Team Struggling With Remote Work? #management #remote

If you don’t have the time to catch our social media postings, you can find five of the best postings in this blog every week.